
Touchscreen Thermostats

The TouchScreen Room Thermostats Series offers models suitable for conventional heating systems and electric floor heating.

  • Touchscreen Thermostat - Heatmiser Touch Carbon Touchscreen Thermostat - Heatmiser Touch Carbon

    Touchscreen Thermostat - Heatmiser Touch Carbon

                  The Heatmiser Touch Carbon is our modern Touchscreen Thermostat, compatible with most heating systems. With the Heatmiser Touch Carbon, you don't need to worry about reading the product manual, the...
  • Touchscreen Electric Floor Heating Thermostat - Touch-e v2 Touchscreen Electric Floor Heating Thermostat - Touch-e v2

    Touchscreen Electric Floor Heating Thermostat - Touch-e v2

                  The Heatmiser Touch-e v2 is our modern Touchscreen Thermostat designed specifically for electric floor heating. With the Heatmiser Touch-e v2, you don't need to worry about reading the product...
  • Touchscreen Electric Floor Thermostat - Touch-e Carbon Touchscreen Electric Floor Thermostat - Touch-e Carbon

    Touchscreen Electric Floor Thermostat - Touch-e Carbon

                  The Heatmiser Touch-e Carbon is our modern Touchscreen Thermostat designed specifically for electric floor heating. With the Heatmiser Touch-e Carbon, you don't need to worry about reading the...
  • Heatmiser neoStat Touch Heatmiser neoStat Touch

    Heatmiser neoStat Touch

      The NEW neoStat – Touch combines sleek aesthetics with advanced functionality. It features a glass panel touchscreen and a proximity-activated LED display. With its vibrant, intuitive interface, it enhances user interaction. As part of...